Garden Party at Buckingham Palace

  • Posted on: 11 June 2014
  • By: Hugh Toler

On Tuesday 10th June we attended a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace in glorious weather.  We took full advantage of being able to invite our two children as did Past Master Nick Charrington who was attending as High Sherriff of Essex.  As you can imagine we made a noisy, jolly party because being able to join other Essex friends including the Lord Lieutenant we became ‘TOWIE  goes to BP’.  Having some inside knowledge of the Palace we were able to make the most of the arrangements to speak to members of the Royal Family so our son secured a meeting with HRH Prince Philip where he forbore to wish him a happy birthday and stuck a recent visit to Stowe School.  Meanwhile the Master Actuary and I had the pleasure of meeting HRH Princess Eugenie.  I perplexed her with my inadequate explanation about the work done by the Broderers.  The Master Actuary was on safer ground with a brief anecdote about numbers that was grasped instantly.