St Bartholomew’s Hospital

  • Posted on: 14 May 2014
  • By: Hugh Toler

Dear Fellow Broderers, having so kindly elected me as your Master I have set about the task of representing the livery with much enthusiasm.  My first engagement was at the St Bartholomew’s Hospital View day on 14th May.  For those who have yet to experience the event, it is a grand start to the year in office.  The evening began with a service in the Priory Church of St Bartholomew the Great.  Being seated next to the Master Innholder I was able to reassure him that their membership of the Associated Companies was very much a topic du jour with Broderers and that the Immediate Past Master had relayed the Innholders alleged role as spies of the State, which he found so reassuring; some wry comment about leopards and spots followed.  Having a front pew position I was well placed to see the Masters of other Livery Companies and in particular the Master Firefighter, appropriately wreathed in clouds of smoke as the censer passed down the aisle.  The Choir’s singing was outstanding and served as a salutatory reminder to me get on with practice for the Master’s song.  The service also featured his Eminence Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh from the Russian Orthodox Church who gave the sermon, splendidly bearded and adorned with the top hat of their order.  Afterwards we were entertained in the Great Hall at St Bartholomew’s, which provided another excellent opportunity to introduce myself to other Masters and supporters of the Bart’s Charity as well as learning more about the history of the City.